Tuesday 20 May 2008

May Challenge Update

Let's see... what has been done so far during Fix or Finish Month?

I fixed Elliot's leather shoes where there was some skipped stitching inside. Did I tell you I made him some new leather shoes? His black ones were worn out because I used too-thin leather on the soles.

I learned how to fix my holey socks. I asked my neighbour to teach me how to darn socks, but first I borrowed her darning mushroom. A few hours later Andrew had turned me my very own mushroom on his wood lathe. It's made from an off-cut of American Ash, I think. I love the two burn line embellishments on it, but Elliot thinks they are joins and he desperately tries to unscrew the handle from the top. Oh, he gets so frustrated!

Yes, I can now darn socks. Something I can do while bumming around in front of the TV with Andrew. I'll post a pic of some darning once it doesn't look like something a dog has mauled. Practice, practice, practice.

I finished sewing the tape onto 7 Scout Scarves. It took 3 hours! This has been on my to-do list for 2 or 3 years. A group of our friends who are all Scout and Cub leaders have been getting together to go camping for a while (the only kids there are our own children, hooray!) and we decided to make a mock Patrol and have some good old Scouting fun. It really is true that Scouting is more fun without the youth! ROFLOL!

Here Elliot is receiving his scarf for our Patrol. I'm on the left and 12 year old T is on the right.

I finished Elliot's second pair of pants. They're made from some tencil denim I bought at an op shop in Seymour and they've been waiting for the second hem to be hand-sewn for two weeks now. Action shots will follow soon in another post.

I finished some mock-up shoes for Xavier. He's 9 days older than Elliot, but 5kg heavier!!! And his feet are a little hefty. I made some shoes out of old wool felt Brownie hats. Ugly as anything, but I was able to see that the pattern I developed was big enough. No pics. The shoes are too ugly. I will use that pattern to make some leather shoes for him soon.

I finally finished some shoes for Theresa's daughter.
Read about them here (ie: just below this post).

After making those shoes I let myself play with the bamboo fleece Theresa had sent me. Oops! Before I knew it I had made a 4 layer fold out bamboo booster for Dinnae to use in Xavier's nappies. Tut-tut! I'm not supposed to start new projects this month. But at least it only took 30 minutes.


Eilleen said...

Wow, you have been so busy Tanja! Well done in getting through so much!

History of the Crusades said...

Wow that's so COOL that you have learnt to darn socks! I buy handmade wool socks from Salamanca Market to wear in winter, but after 2 seasons they tend to get a hole. My 85 year old gran darns them for me. I tried once but ended up with a really uncomfortable lump. You've inspired me - I'll have to get my gran to teach me again how to do it myself!!